Grenada-an alternative citizenship and a path to the U.S.
Date:2021-09-06 Number:1001 Request call back

Grenada, located in the Caribbean, is a Commonwealth Country that has been independent since 1974. Its population of approximately 110,000 people is spread across three main islands: Grenada, Carriacou and Petite Martinique. Often referred to as the Isle of Spice, Grenada is one of the largest exporters of nutmeg in the world.

In 2013, Grenada introduced its Citizenship By Investment (CBI) program as an inexpensive and fast path to a second citizenship. With no residency requirement, applicants can receive their Grenadian passport in as little as 3 months. Passport holders can travel visa free to more than 125 countries including the U.K, China, Singapore, and Europe’s Schengen area.

Since the country holds an E-2 treaty with the United States, obtaining Grenadian citizenship allows investors and their families the option to also obtain residency in the U.S. within one year through the purchase or creation of a business.

There are two qualifying investment options to apply for Grenada’s CBI Program: a contribution to a government fund or an investment in a pre-approved real estate project.
The National Transformation Fund (NTF) focuses on developing Grenada’s economy by investing in key industries. The application requires a non-refundable contribution of USD 150,000 for a single applicant or USD 200,000 for a family of up to 4.
The second option involves a minimum investment of USD 220,000 in a government approved real estate project, plus a non-refundable contribution of at least USD 50,000. The property investment can be sold after 5 years.
Over 125 countries including the UK, Europe & China. 5-year Entry Visa to USA

With one of the most recently created Citizenship by Investment (CBI) programs, Grenada has seen an increasing number of applicants year after year. The country raised USD166 million in 2019, which was 13% more than in 2018.


The CBI is an investment-based citizenship which allows the country to obtain foreign capital to assist in boosting the economy. The program has a number of flexibilities which makes the process a lot smoother for the investor.


Visa-Free Travel

Include your Family

Investor, Spouse, Dependent Children up to age 30, siblings and parents over 55

CBI Process & timeline

The application is submitted to the government and an approval is received within 90 days. The applicant can, then, make the investment and wait for the citizenship documents to be issued. There is no need to be present in the country at any step of the application.

U.S. Residency with E-2 Visa

Grenadian citizens can apply for the E-2 non-immigrant investor visa and obtain U.S. residency by making a substantial investment (minimum USD 150,000) in a U.S. business in which the investor owns at least 50% “developing and directing” the business.

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